Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pencils to Pixels

The author says that the computer is a gateway to literacy. However, I don't think people necessarily have to use computer for literacy.
Writing is an engineering of materials to accomplish an end.
Pencil is a technology because it is made through an engineering process to put our thoughts onto paper.
Plato thought it would weaken our memories.
Written word can be more accurate because people think before they write. However, they are not very interactive. On contrast, spoken word is active but not very deliberate.
Thoreau thought pencils are better than other technologies such as telegraph, because he thought those technologies are just illusions.So he devoted 10 years to improve pencil technologies.
Telephone combined the aspects of speaking and writing situations in new way. The introduction of the telephone for social communication required considerable adaptation of the way we talk. Just like the writing, communication using telephones emulated the facial expressions and gestures so it changed the way we communicate.
Although it was considered to be too complex at first, people adapted to the technology and use it for their writing.
The computer has changed the way we write, and thus changed the meaning of literacy. Also, the technology is still developing rapidly so it will change the literacy even more.
The author implicitly defines the literacy as an ability to adjust new technologies for writing.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

21st century writing

developing new models of writing, designing a new curriculum supporting those models and creating models for teaching the curriculum.
The author's saying that the composers always have been trying to write while the cultures do not support but suppress them.
Yancey argues that the students should learn to be a good composer, instead of a good test taker.
While reading implies the act of obeying and following and produces a feeling of warming and intimacy, writing implies the act of creating and resistance and produces unpleasantness. So writing didn't got as much cultural respect as reading.
People associate isolation and pain with writing.
Process writing is a new conception of writing emerged in 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Consists of invention, drafting, peer review, reflection, revising and rewriting and publishing.
A writing that belongs to the writer, not to an institution, with the result that people want to compose and do to each other. I frequently write on facebook.
Due to the digital technology such as blogs and social network sites, more and more people are composing something and writers are everywhere.
Yancey argues that the meaning of literacy has changed, so the education for writing should be changed too.
Yancey defines literacy as an ability to read and write and produce something not only on paper as before, but also on social media or other digital sources.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Brave New World of Digital Intimacy

The social media sites is changing the concept of relationship between people, from a close relationship to wide and weak relationship, as it becomes possible to know every little things happening to other people.
The social media sites give people 'ambient awareness' and thus make it possible to keep in touch with every acquaintances, as people can know everything about other people even before they talk about it.
As people uploads every little things of themselves in social media sites, people now can have much more knowledge about their acquaintances and thus they can keep in contact with all the people.
He made news feed to make people able to keep up with their other friends' news without actively surfing for them. It greatly expanded the attention span, as it shows everything that we would have never searched actively. I think it's a bad thing for literacy, because it actually decreases our ability to think deep.
Ambient awareness is knowing every little things happening to other people. I experience ambient experience through the Facebook news feed.
Ambient awareness gives little information about the person, but tons of those little information makes up a portrait of the actual person. It can spread my emotional energy to know every little things, but it helps me to solve problems that cannot be solved by my own.
"Monday sucks", "I'm going church", etc
It suggests the question, is 'skimming' a real activity of using 'literacy'? Or, is 'skimming' now becoming a new inevitable ability for 'literacy'?
"weak ties" greatly expands the number of acquaintances, however, the number of close friends does not change. This new relationship either can help or hurt us.
Because people who are not close to them anymore continues to upload things about them, and they can never disconnect the connection.
This article defines literacy as an ability to communicate with other people and obtain valuable information from thousands of insignificant information. It doesn't change my own definition of literacy, which is an ability to think beneath the surface of the sentence.