Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gin, Television, and Cognitive Surplus

1. When people do something using their spare time, cognitive surplus is created and something good happens.
2. The author defines the literacy as an ability to understand certain information. The definition differs from the former two articles which defined literacy as an ability to catch the deep meaning of a writing.
3. Cognitive surplus is free time people have and use to do 'something'. It doesn't matter what they do. They just helps.
4. Unlike the authors of the two articles, the author argues that it is not bad to do seemingly worthless things such as web surfing or watching television and they actually help in some way, because doing such stuff is always better than doing nothing.
5. The Method
Patterns of Repetitions- Looking for the mouse, cognitive surplus, At least they are doing something
Strands of Similarities- taking advantage of the surplus/ better to do something
Binaries- not something that society grows out of, it is something that society grows into
Anomalies- information society knows without really knowing it
The repetitions of the sentence 'at least they are doing something' is the most important in understanding the text. The author is explaining how cognitive surplus, which basically means 'doing something' can contribute to the other people. Since the whole text is about how 'doing something' helps eventually, the repetition of 'at least they are doing something' helps to understand the text and makes the text more persuasive.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


1. The way of thinking and reading changes as one gets used to read online. Net now makes the people lose the ability to think deep and concentrate.
2. Net lets the author to immediately find what he wants to find. As he gets used to using web, he lost his ability to read long writings and concentrate on reading.
3. The ability to read deeply and understand beyond the sentences.
4. Socrates Nightmare and Google.. article both define literacy as more than an ability to read, but to understand the deep meaning of the writing.
5. As Internet lets people to get information immediately, people began to stop think and analyze deeply when they read. As the result, the Internet changed the way people think from traditional thinking-thinking deeply, analyzing, concentrating-to browsing and skimming. It leads the people to lose the ability to think deeply and concentrate.
6. Providing anecdotes of the author himself and other acquaintances, listing the opinions of experts, and showing the research results.
7. The evidence is effective because it leads people to agree with him by recalling their experience and gives more credibility.
8. This article explains how Internet changes the way people think. So it warns the people that they can lose their ability to think deeply. So the article leads people to think about how they should keep their ability to think deeply.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Unit 3 Brainstorming: Identity and Social Media

 I chose Stephen Hawking to analyze. Even though he's very famous for his genius accomplishments in the field of Universe and the Black Holes, he's personality is relatively not well-known, partly because of his physical handicap. Now as he uses twitter, his twitter would be a good source to look closer to his personality, as well as his intelligence. It will be a good chance to analyze a genius's usual life and personality. Also, since he's not aiming for popularity, his tweets are usually casual. So it'll help me to analyze him better.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Social Media: What does your tattoo say?

Actually, I try not to post anything that can damage myself. I don’t blame anybody, and I don’t post anything that can show my personal life. However, I frequently upload posts, usually something not at all important or serious, so I guess somebody can analyze my personality quite accurately by looking at my posts, if the one can understand Korean. If analyzed, I would be a humorous/weird math/science person.
My posts are usually a quote that I agree, a question something that I think it’s worth to think about.
One post I wrote:
“If you are born rich, you may lose your money, but if you are born lucky, you will always get what you need or want just by chance.
If analyzed, the person who wrote this post can be analyzed as a amateur gambler, who believes in luck and loves money. But actually, I was interested in the force of ‘coincidence’ or ‘luck’ affecting my life.
Days later I posted:
Under what percent of possibility can a good happening be called ‘luck’
This person would be analyzed as a mathematical thinker. This shows that now I’m interested in the exact meaning of ‘luck’.
Some other posts I wrote are:
‘I will never drink iced mocha again’ – this shows that I’m a coffee drinker, who hates sweet ones.
‘I can’t wait to visit Korea this summer’ – this shows that I’m a Korean who lives out of Korea, which is ‘fob’.
Also I uploaded several photos of my origami. I can be analyzed as a typical Asian who’s good at Asian stuffs.

So overall, according to my facebook, I’m a typical Asian fob who’s interested in math and origami. So it is quite accurate, and my facebook personality and my real personality is exactly same, as I’m really an Asian fob who’s interested in math and origami. So hopefully my job interview won’t be damaged by my facebook posts.