Sunday, October 6, 2013

Social Media: What does your tattoo say?

Actually, I try not to post anything that can damage myself. I don’t blame anybody, and I don’t post anything that can show my personal life. However, I frequently upload posts, usually something not at all important or serious, so I guess somebody can analyze my personality quite accurately by looking at my posts, if the one can understand Korean. If analyzed, I would be a humorous/weird math/science person.
My posts are usually a quote that I agree, a question something that I think it’s worth to think about.
One post I wrote:
“If you are born rich, you may lose your money, but if you are born lucky, you will always get what you need or want just by chance.
If analyzed, the person who wrote this post can be analyzed as a amateur gambler, who believes in luck and loves money. But actually, I was interested in the force of ‘coincidence’ or ‘luck’ affecting my life.
Days later I posted:
Under what percent of possibility can a good happening be called ‘luck’
This person would be analyzed as a mathematical thinker. This shows that now I’m interested in the exact meaning of ‘luck’.
Some other posts I wrote are:
‘I will never drink iced mocha again’ – this shows that I’m a coffee drinker, who hates sweet ones.
‘I can’t wait to visit Korea this summer’ – this shows that I’m a Korean who lives out of Korea, which is ‘fob’.
Also I uploaded several photos of my origami. I can be analyzed as a typical Asian who’s good at Asian stuffs.

So overall, according to my facebook, I’m a typical Asian fob who’s interested in math and origami. So it is quite accurate, and my facebook personality and my real personality is exactly same, as I’m really an Asian fob who’s interested in math and origami. So hopefully my job interview won’t be damaged by my facebook posts.

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